Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Open Happiness Music Video

Sprinkle a little luck on your life today by watching the full version of the Open Happiness music video, directed by Alan Ferguson. For a smile, she gives to your friends! Im sure it will, as always, her days as well:)

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vitamin K For Blood Clotting

Sources of vitamin K

Almost everyone has been watching "Popeye" on television and has been in awe, as he immediately gained strength when he ate his spinach. We all just assumed that the spinach, which he was strong. Very few people take the time to wonder what it found in spinach to make it so powerful. Something that looked like a magic actually too many children vitamin K, which is the most important vitamins in spinach. Other green leafy vegetables which are high in vitaminK are lettuce, cabbage, kale and broccoli. A rule of thumb is, the greener the vegetable, the higher the vitamin K content.

Other sources of vitamin K in your diet is olive oil, soybean oil and cottonseed oil. Parsley is very rich in vitamin K. In fact, if you are 2 tablespoons of parsley, you 153% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K. Preserving the largest dietary form of vitamin K vitamin K1) (phylloquinone. Good sourcesof vitamin K1 are chicken egg yolk, cow liver, butter and most cheeses.

Vitamin K for blood clotting

Many of the vitamins we take in our diet for all of us understand how vitamin C or vitamin D. All of us, vitamin C comes from oranges, fruit and vitamin D is made from milk with other foods. However, we are not all so familiar with some other vitamins, as we should, such as vitamin K. In fact, untilIt is our attention is called, many of us are not aware of the many benefits of vitamin K. The most important benefit of vitamin K is its ability to help our blood clot. For example, if you are cut, if your blood would not clot, you continue to bleed. Without this important vitamin in our system, bleeding could spiral out of control and a serious life-threatening condition. Therefore, you will see the seriousness of the proper amounts of vitamin K inour bodies, whether from the vitamin-rich food that we eat or vitamins.

Vitamin K for Seniors

Help for our most important function of blood clotting can vitamin K, but it is not the only important function for this vital vitamin. Vitamin K is intended to help the bone density of elderly people. (Popeye was definitely strong bones!) This is very beneficial for the elderly to help to prevent osteoporosis, adegenerative disease characterized by weakened bones. Even if some do not believe that's been scientifically proven, with all its other good points, it can not hurt to take this important vitamin K at regular intervals.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

AAN: High-Dose Vitamin E May Help Alzheimer Patients Valory Pavlik, Ph.D., of Baylor College of Medicine, Chicago, 16 Deteriorate April - High-dose vitamin E supplements are not the results in patients with Alzheimer's disease and may help researchers here said.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

bananas-d-pryde feat. august rigo LYRICS (in discription box)

* No copyright intended * LYRICS: I used a girl who was shocked to know Strawberry lip gloss as sweet as a mango, as it was wear their jeans low fiesty but somehow still somehow palatable BABY! She really blew my mind ... Then there was cranberry Keri She was good, with the goose, but tht was kinda scary, so I cut tht girl but lose them two was cool and they did what they do, but I never had a Chikita like you. Girl Coz you like your bananas cherry pie And the apple of my eye you are sweet ... Girl you...

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tanning may prevent cancer

Numerous studies have prevented demonstrated that vitamin D from UVB radiation common fatal cancer. This "skirt" the issue, but the ol 'you can enough of vitamin ... go wrong.

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