Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Getting Enough Calcium Into Your Bones? Ten Facts You Need to Know!

Used a while ago, a colleague of an e-mail list that I belong, asked the following:
"What do you want to take calcium if you're not tired of the diet. I used to take Tums, but now I've heard that they do nothing. Any suggestions"

I said, there are 10 facts you need to know to ensure you get the calcium you need and not waste your time or money.

The first fact that you need to know is that you have an acidic pH in the need yourStomach to help take the calcium. Our bodies provide this course, w / our own stomach acid. If you are a healthy digestive system, that you have not been abused w / antacids in order. But as we get older stomachs of some people secrete less acid to protect against this, add some companies Betaine HCl - a digestive enzyme and vitamin C to their calcium supplements to assure the proper Ph.

So what's Tums? It is an antacid that a very cheap form of calcium used as a calciumCarbonates that an antacid effect all its own and should therefore mal-absorbed and you do not get calcium into your system. Remember, it's not what you eat / take ... It's what you shoot!

The second fact that you need to know is that the two best-absorbed calcium are calcium citrate and Microcrystallline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC). MCHC is a complete bone food, it contains produce proteins (collagen - the mesh that the calcium / minerals until it attaches to the bone-form) and otherIngredients that comprise the organic portion of the bone, and calcium and
other minerals.

Calcium produces a higher peak levels of calcium in the blood. This is an interesting result, since the carbonate supplements actually more calcium per pill than those included with the citrate, again it is what you absorb.

I personally use a drug that contains both MCHC and calcium citrate contains.

The third fact that you need to know is how to read the label for calciumsupplements, most labels ":

Calcium citrate (1 tablet )...................... 250 mg

But what do you want to see, which is listed elemental calcium, which, how much calcium you are almost full, the rest is the citrate part of the connection.

Calcium (Elemental )........................... 100mg.

The four fact is that you need to take magnesium w / Calcium Magnesium helps activate the parathyroid hormone and vitamin D, which helps us to hostCalcium in our digestive system and the work as a counterweight to calcium into nerve stimulation / relaxation and prevents us from ever blocked too much calcium. The present accepted ratio of calcium to magnesium 2-1: (Ca 200/Mg 100).

The fifth fact is that we need vitamin D to absorb calcium. The current RDA 200-400iu with all the latest research on vitamin D and its effects on our immune system, somesuggest that the new RDA is 600-1000IU. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and can be up to toxic levels (see above 2000IU) a day, so be careful when you take cod liver oil or something similar. Always read labels carefully. Try also taking in the sun for 20 minutes per day minus the sunscreen so that your body can make its own vitamin D.

The sixth fact is that you should your calcium in the evening hours here as it is, ifTheir para-thyroid is are most active. It increases the intestinal absorption of calcium by activation of calcium and vitamin D promotes the uptake by the kidneys.

The seventh fact is that you should be taking calcium-years before entering the menopause. Contrary to common misconception is that bone age is a living substance, one of the most active tissues in the body. It is to be disbanded and rebuilt repeatedly in a process called conversion, and like any other living tissue, mustFood remain to strong and healthy. So I think a woman should be 400mg to 600 mg before 40 years. old (pregnant women need much more) to take 600-1000 mg after 40 and take 1000-1500 mg in the menopause. I recommend that you do not do more than 600 mg at a time, but spread the dosage for optimal absorption.

The eighth fact is that some companies use fillers and binders that it is impossible to break the calcium tablet in your digestive system and can be absorbed.There is a simple test you) can do at home: put 1 / 4 a cup of vinegar in a glass (similar to acidic pH as our stomachs shake drop in the calcium supplement in glass, close and well 15 minutes and then leave it on the counter for 3 hours ... if it is not resolved by then ... then you are not absorbing. You can do this to all your vitamins / minerals. I personally use and recommend a brand of vitamin-mineral which is highly absorbable ... I am of the opinion that you get what you pay for. Remember,It is not what you eat / take .......... It 's what you shoot!

The ninth fact is that the use of weight-bearing exercise such as by weight training, swimming or using a cross-country speed machine, the deposition of minerals in the bones.

The tenth fact is that there are studies that show over-use of carbonated beverages (soft drinks / Seltzer that accelerates) the loss of minerals from the bones. So I would suggest that you forget the sodas.

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