After many studies of vitamin D deficiency is rising as a global health problem in many countries and its consequences affect men and women worldwide. If the human body does not produce enough vitamin D, it can not absorb calcium, so that the most common consequence of a lack of vitamin D-induced osteoporosis. Normal levels of vitamin D have prevented malignant tumors of the prostate, colon, breast and ovarian cancer, while lowLevels of vitamin D are associated with high incidence of cancers of the digestive tract in the male population.
Vitamin D is standing very close to natural sunlight in context. It is produced in the human skin when the sun touches and can be replaced at no additional cost, the effect of solar radiation. Do not go as rays of natural sunlight through glass, no one can produce vitamin D when sitting in the car or at home.
Investigations have shown without doubt thatPeople in countries far from the equator (USA, Canada, United Kingdom) expressed the vitamin D deficiency, because they require a longer sun exposure. Statistics show that about 40% of the population of the United States of vitamin D deficiency and show that in Britain the majority of the adult population in the same state.
People with darker pigmentation of the skin are prone to vitamin D deficiency because they have more than 20 times as muchExposure to sunlight as fair-skinned people to the same amount of vitamin. In a way, can this fact to explain why black men with prostate cancer epidemic.
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