Often when we speak of health supplements the first (and sometimes only), which comes in many peoples mind are vitamins. Many people are unaware of the existence and importance of many familiar food supplement ingredients, but only about one in good old vitamin C! What are vitamins and they are just as important as they are to be made out?
Basically Vitamins are organic nutrients only in living organisms such as plants and animals. Theirbasic function is catalytic in nature. You are not an energy source, eg via their own, but also act as an agent for many important body functions like digestion and absorption of nutrients by the body. Any deficiency or surplus for that matter, of vitamins, it can lead to general diseases, and eventually to chronic diseases. The following descriptions will try the different groups of vitamins and their specific members, where they are found and outline whatFunctions they fulfill.
Vitamins are basically fat that is divided according to their solubility or water-soluble vitamins.
Fat-soluble vitamins:
Vitamin A: This is the collective term for several fat-soluble vitamins, retinol, it is very useful. Usually in the form of a supplement of vitamin A palmitate or acetate, vitamin group has a wide range of benefits, including the dissemination of improved visibility, promoting the immune system, bone andgeneral growth, healthy body linings, reproduction and development of healthy cells. The precursors of the vitamin A group of carotenoids like beta-carotene and are found in vegetables such as carrots and supplements such as spirulina.
Vitamin D: The vitamin D group of steroid molecules are naturally produced by our body in response to exposure to UVB light from the sun. This vitamin is to regulate our bodies take, share and importanceExcretion of calcium. D vitamin deficiency with osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D is associated, may also be in the mild and oily fish to be found.
Vitamin E: This vitamin is one of the nutrient groups that have protective properties. Its main purpose is to preserve the integrity of intracellular membranes and provide protection against tissue and membrane damage by free radical oxidation. A rich source of vitamin E is wheatand seed germ.
Vitamin K: Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and bone metabolism processes. This vitamin may help postmenopausal woman to build bone mass. Vitamin K can also help to reduce the risk of bleeding after long term antibiotic and aspirin or in cases of jaundice, malabsorbtion or liver diseases. Good sources for vitamin K are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage spinach and kale.
Water Soluble Vitamins:
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Thiamine is the process of combustion of carbohydrates as energy sources is essential. It is also an essential part of amino acid metabolism and the proper functioning of essential enzymes in our body. Thiamine B1 and thiamine nitrate are two common sources of vitamin supplement. Thiamine is found naturally in enriched bread, cereals, pasta, lean meat (found especially pork), fish and soy.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Riboflavin is important forthe production of energy from protein and fat. Vitamin B2 is also to treat rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, acne, dermatitis and eczema. Riboflavin is naturally present in offal (liver, kidney), almonds, mushrooms and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Vitamin B3 is also a critical part of the energy production. It is also an important part of the production of hydrochloric acid essential for healthy digestion. Niacinamide isused to arthritis, to treat insomnia, migraines and insulin-dependent diabetes. Niacin is found in poultry, dairy products, fish, nuts and eggs.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): Vitamin B6 is part of the protein and carbohydrate metabolic process and the production of insulin and the two red and white blood cells. Pyridoxine is also important for the synthesis of enzymes, neurotransmitters and prostaglandins. in the processing of amino acids. In addition, vitamin B6is needed to produce serotonin and maintain a strong immune system. Good sources are white meat, bananas, liver, whole grain and soybeans.
Vitamin B5) (pantothenic acid: Vitamin B5 is a bit of a rounder, plays a role in many important functions in our body. It helps metabolize nutrients, helps in the production of vitamin D aids in antibody production, helps in the synthesis of hemoglobin, steroid hormones and lipids. Furthermoreplays an important role in growth and reproduction processes. Vitamin B5 is found in cheese, eggs, corn, peanuts and wheat germ.
Vitamin B7 (biotin): The main function of Vitamin B7 is in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, although it also plays a role in the synthesis of amino acids and glucose and in enzyme function. Good sources of biotin are offal, egg yolks, oatmeal, bananas, soy products, and mushrooms.
Vitamin B9 (folic acidAcid): Folic acid is essential during a period of growth such as pregnancy, lactation and early growth stages because of its role in the DNA, RNA and protein production. Citrus fruits, beets, wheat germ, and red meat are rich in folic acid.
Vitamin C () ascorbic acid: Probably the best know of all the vitamins, ascorbic acid aids in the creation and maintenance of tissues and in strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C and the associated sodium, calcium and potassiumSalts are some of the most common antioxidant additives. Good sources of vitamin C are dark green leafy vegetables, cabbage, and many fruits.
Its pretty clear that's not much in our bodies, without the vitamins are at a certain stage of the process are included. Fortunately, there are not only many natural food sources of these spark plugs are available, but also many additions to keep our vitamin intake balanced and equitable to make an easy task. One should pay attentionif certain vitamins as a supplement to overdo it can have serious side effects. As with all complementary therapies, it is essential to discuss vitamin supplements with a physician.
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