Saturday, December 12, 2009

Best Sources for Getting Enough Vitamin D

Get ready for the mad excitement of the press about the benefits of vitamin D in fighting cancer, after some very positive research came from the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology indicating a strong correlation between moderate amounts of vitamin D and prevention of breast cancer and colon cancer.

There are 3 clear sources of vitamin D, our own body produces it with exposure to the sun, vitamin D-rich foods,and completed.

Although it is tempting to jump on the successful band-wagon to ask the first question we must ask ourselves, can we get enough vitamin D from the sun and the best food for vitamin D?

Who, in the north to note that the quality leaving the sun in the winter months combined with the fact that not exposed to more than about 20% of your body too much, the ability to get enough vitamin D from the sun limited.

ThePrevalence of skin cancer growth is also an important factor in how much time people spend in the sun, although most research suggests that 10 to 15 minutes in the afternoon sun for most people is enough for the vitamin D levels listed in the cancer prevention study.

Even still, there are other ways to get our vitamin D intake.

This leaves us next with the understanding as getting vitamin D from our diet, so what are the best foods forget vitamin D?

Here are some food, good amounts of vitamin D:

- Enriched milk and cheese and most dairy products (you can even substitute some dairy products or fortified with vitamin D)

- Fish (especially smaller fish like sardines, trout, salmon)

- Margarine

- Oysters

- Egg yolks

Vitamin D is one of the vitamins, which can have nasty side effects if youtake up too much - symptoms of kidney stones, nausea and weakness can be when it is taken too far. So it is not one of the vitamins you mega-dose on and off with it.

Additions should be the last resort, but rather short periods of exposure to the sun and eating a diet rich in vitamin D and vitamin D fortification will contribute to a healthy level in discussing the latest research for the prevention of colon and breast cancer holdCancer.

Finally, it is important to note that yoga and meditation can play a role in the battle to play to get more of the best foods for vitamin D ever. When many of us are stressed, our digestion suffers - in fact we are no longer the proper production of enzymes in our intestines break down properly and benefit of vitamins in our food.

So - if we are in a state of chronic stress, then we are probably not the full benefits of vitamin D in theFood we eat. Mix your general health and nutrition plan with yoga and meditation to get all the benefits of vitamin D-rich foods.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Obesity

Researchers from McGill University and Univ. of Southern California recently released a report showing after puberty girls that low vitamin D have experienced stunted growth and obesity to win.

Richard Kremer, the Co Director of the Health Center, McGill and colleagues studied serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, bone density, height, body fat and weight in 90 Caucasian and Hispanic girls aged 16-22. 59% ofParticipants, we found the insufficient levels of vitamin D have. Those who had experienced the lack of increased body mass, weight gain and body fat and shorter than those subjects with adequate vitamin D levels had. In this study, they found no correlation with bone mineral density and vitamin D.

Dr. Kremer found that it was a miracle, such a high prevalence of the lack of young girls who lived in such an SO-rich region. He also noted that, due to the higher levels of consciousness often controlled vitamin D in older people, but in what seems to be ignoring healthy adolescents. Since this is the case, the study found that women with vitamin D deficiency are more difficult to have a higher BMI, more and more abdominal fat than the young girls with normal levels.

According to Dr. Vicente Gilsanz, the co-author of the study should identify more doctors deficiency,> Vitamin D levels, especially if it as simple as a blood test. Since low vitamin D levels may increase to increased fat accumulation and the risk of chronic disease, more tests are conducted to determine whether vitamin D supplements produce significant benefits in the development of healthy young men.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Knowing When to Stop: How Much Vitamin D is Too Much

Vitamin D, like all other vitamins is important for cell formation and your general health. However, it was reported that people, especially those living in the West too much vitamins. In fact, the realistic depiction of what they are spending on dietary supplements alone amounts to 23 billion U.S. dollars annually. And believe health institutions, this figure is just too much, because these people are taking vitamins and other supplements, they actually no needEveryday life.

Then there are also studies that show that would be taking these daily supplements such as vitamin C, E and D is a real benefit for people who are actually in good health to have already. In fact, even to warn them that an overdose of these vitamins could be bad for your health. There are dangers that supplement with too much food, as these negative consequences for you have been involved in the long run.

But before you stop taking all your foodAdditions throughout, health institutions such as the National Institutes of Health, also explained that there are different evidence that shows the different effects of dietary supplements to humans. This is because there are too many studies on the effect of these additions, there are varying results from different experiments with these supplements, then the result is that there are both positive and negative effects in support of these studies.

The understanding of theEffects of the various vitamins is essential if you want to stay in good health. For example, vitamin C is a good anti-oxidant and it also helps build a strong immune system. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which should be taken for good health in moderation. It could even prevent problems with your heart, but there is also evidence against that if could increase the risk of heart problems if you already have the disease.

But the National Institutes ofHealth also recommends taking a few selected supplements such as vitamin D for women after the menopause age in maintaining the stability of their bones. Vitamin D help is good for physical health as one of its tasks to other nutrients such as calcium in the body by using to support the intake of this mineral from the intestine. But that is not without risk, like all other supplements, with vitamin D also has its own Risks.

Therefore, you must first understand the sources of vitamin D, a hand where you can get vitamin D in your body is through ingestion, and this can either be taken either in the form of food or food supplements. Another way to obtain vitamin D in the body, is caused by exposure to the sun. But you also have this, like the sun cause excessive caution on all types of skin problems.

Too much vitamin> D in the body leads to too much calcium, and if this condition is prolonged, can lead to all sorts of problems such as toxicity in the blood. In fact, you know you have too much vitamin D when the symptoms are associated with it and the symptoms of dizziness, vomiting, an incredible pain in the head, and even pain in the bones.

The solution is not taking too much vitamin D is in knowing what it is, if enough is taken.Health professionals are also concerned that the real problem is with the use of dietary supplements, that there is no concrete and irrefutable evidence that the majority of those who are truly among them an advantage that the of this.


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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Foods That Help During Skin Cancer Treatment

When undergoing skin cancer treatment, it is important to special care of diet you take. In most cases, it is very difficult to eat the right kind of foods when undergoing cancer therapies focus. It becomes more difficult when you undergo radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

This therapy may dramatically affect the appetite. You need to provide advice, so you can move right to food supplements, you will feel stronger and feel faster in theTreatment of skin cancer.

Here are some foods and supplements so that you eat properly during the treatment of skin cancer:

a) vitamin C

They should focus on foods that are rich in vitamin C. Eat plenty of broccoli, spinach and citrus fruits. You should also see your doctor about the fact that the revenue helps a good amount of vitamin C. Experts believe that vitamin C accelerates healing
Process soon after biopsy orExcision.

b) Vitamin A and D supplements

Foods that are rich in vitamins A and D will help a lot in the treatment of skin cancer. Since people in skin cancer, it is forbidden to go under direct sunlight, supplements for vitamin D is an important addition to the diet.

c) Fruits and Vegetables
You should eat lots of fresh organic fruit and vegetables. Also drink lots of water. Any amount of dehydration of the body canharm if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This can eventually cause serious side effects such as dry itchy skin, acne, skin rashes and peeling.

d) Raw food

Experts believe that eating raw food helps in treating many diseases. It also helps in enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment of skin cancer. Raw foods are experts in killing cancer cells. When food is cooked, about 100% of all the enzymes in food are killed. This is because most foods containnecessary enzymes needed to digest the food. Food production and interferes with the body burden can reach many elements of the body. Cooking food actually damage incurred, the total value of the food in several ways. Therefore, it is important to eat vegetables in raw form.

e) Juice Vegetables and Fruits

There are several benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables. First and foremost, juicing the nutrients can be better digested and removed obstacles fibers. Another important advantage is that when you juiceFruit and vegetables, you tend to be much more fruit and vegetables than usual. Juices play a vital role in the treatment of skin cancer.

f) Specific Vegetable Juices

Certain vegetable juices are very healthy and helpful in the treatment of skin cancer. You can also go for vegetable juice by mixing carrot juice, beetroot juice, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

What is Flaxseed oil and what are the benefits of it? Well, it was a lot of research of this product, mainly to do with bodybuilding and fitness. It has turned out to an essential fatty acid (EFA) known as alpha-linolenic acid contained. This is very useful because it is known in Omega 3 fatty acid is activated (EFA) in the body, which in turn increases the levels of insulin in the body muscle cells. The linseed oil produced and increase in steroid production and thereforeserves as a valuable source of energy, building muscle and weight gain.

This is not anything to make things a little crank, did you know that there are also tons of other valuable nutrients in linseed oil? Well, it's safe when I say tonnes I mean it. Nutrients are included:

Folic acid - is a form of water-soluble vitamin B9, which is for new cell growth is essential, it is also given to pregnant women during pregnancy to prevent anemia.

Niacin - Isother water-soluble form of payment, and it is also known as vitamin B3. It's main roles are energy metabolism and DNA repair, but it also helps support the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal gland, made as the sex hormones and stress hormones.

Vitamin B1 - also known as thiamine, plays an important role in helping the body metabolize carbohydrates and fat to produce energy.

Vitamin B2 - (also known as riboflavin) Essentialfor the conversion of carbohydrates into energy; Essential for normal tissue respiration, is essential for healthy mucous membranes

Vitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells, the maintenance of the nervous system and growth and development in children. Deficiency can cause anemia. Vitamin B12 neuropathy, can with the degeneration of nerve fibers and irreversible neurological damage also occur.

Vitamin A - helps maintainthe health of skin and mucus linings (in the nose, for example) helps strengthen immunity from infections; vision helps in low light.

Vitamin D - acts like a hormone to regulate the formation of bone and the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine. It helps to control the movement of calcium between bone and blood, and vice versa.

Vitamin E - protects your cells against the effects of free radicals that are potentially damaging by-productsof energy metabolism.

If you want to experience the full benefits of flaxseed, it is very important that the seeds before you eat or you can simply pure flax seed oil instead of soil. The flaxseed is working so hard to digest in the body, and it will just go through the body without releasing one of the nutrients. I hope you can see the benefits of oil for building muscle and weight gain, and that you go ahead if you are not doing so already and use.

If youwant more information on how to build muscle weight gain and you can visit my weight-training site to learn more.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vitamin D kills the flu virus so STOP BLOCKING OUR SUNLIGHT !

Did you know that JP-8 jet fuel exposure suppresses the immune response to viral infections? - Why are they spraying Chemtrails or chemical vapor, which block out natural sunlight? Why do they do that? When the World Health Organization been greater than the swine flu pandemic, they would be aware of the concern that the natural sunlight, a very good source for the body to be vitamin D, and would create an artificial cloud on the aircraft already concerned ...

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Vitamin Supplements - Why We Need Them & How They Can Help Improve Our Quality of Life

It is very easy, which is a healthy diet are confused when there are so many opinions about what we should eat, how much and when. The same applies to vitamin supplements - they are good for you or not? We need to take? If so, what and in what quantity?

In a perfect world we would all eat a healthy and balanced diet. We would be plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, eat and eat very little saturated fat. Processed food woulddisappear and we all returned home to cook.

But we do not live in an ideal world. Real life is often in your way. Most of us do not grow our own fruit and vegetables when we eat "fresh produce" from the supermarket, how fresh is it? The vitamin content in fruits etc starts from the date of the fall harvest. Over time, it has to our fruit bowls, drastically reduces the vitamin content.

So what can we do? If you live near farms, youyou should purchase local products. If you are based in a city, you should be eating frozen fruits and vegetables, to be like their vitamin content is higher. We should eat the widest possible range of products as possible. Think of all different colors when shopping and planning meals. Eat plenty of colorful vegetables. Target a different type of vegetables to your menu each week to introduce.

Meat is a great source of vitamins and minerals, but buy better quality at lower volumes. A small pieceSteak is much better for you than a large portion of bacon or sausage. If you can afford it, chose organic because it does not contain antibiotics and other chemical substances.

We have all heard the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Have you ever wondered why? Some varieties of apples are anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. An apple is a good source of vitamin C, although some people say that you could only take a vitamin supplement. But there are otherChemicals in apples, with the natural vitamin C in order to appear, the overall effect much more work.

There are some people that take account of a good quality vitamin preparations. The obvious would be pregnant women or those who need to try to get pregnant you need additional folic acid. Vegans and vegetarians may struggle to get enough Vitamin B from their food, so a supplement may be all right. People who are stuck indoors due to illness or those who wear allfull black robes for religious reasons, may suffer a lack of vitamin D, which comes from natural sunlight. A vitamin D tablet can help these people.

If you are ill, or by a very stressful situation, such as death or divorce, your doctor may recommend a course of vitamins to give your system a kick start again.

In summary, the path to good health is not necessarily a vitamin supplement, but for people who areNon-food a completely balanced diet, a good quality vitamin supplement can help fill the gaps.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Glee Girls - Halo / Walking On Sunshine (Studio Version) [Mash Up] - 10/07/09

Music from Episode 6 (vitamin D) up by "Glee," where the girls sing a mash-"Halo" Beyonce and "Walking On Sunshine". Check it out WED @ 9pm No Copyright Infringement Intended

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

a better supplement than Vitamin C to Boost our immune Part2 Dr.Rob Robertson will show you the secret to boost your immune system without drugs IQ. The secret is the discovery of "Transfer Factor TF. no drugs, no vitamins, no minerals, no more anti-biotic, Not Herbs. It is a natural molecule and its going to the way we care for our body to change, such as "transfer factor" work and who can take them? Basically, everyone can take them, people who keep their immune systems to protect work at the peak potential, so that their ...

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Heart Attack - Prevention is Better Than Cure and Heart Health Supplements Play a Big Role

Heart disease is the No.1 killer of men and women, despite the advances in medicine. In fact, one could argue that overshadowed our advances in medicine have common sense, and perhaps even contribute to mortality.

Heart health, some important additions and changes in lifestyles offer promise for the people in the prevention of heart disease and myocardial infarction, and in support of heart and cardiovascular system, if you have heart disease or having had a heartAttack.

Essential fatty acid supplements along with proper nutrition and some lifestyle changes may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease - so the FDA says after a recent petition from a number of healthcare companies.

Heart disease and heart attacks are the result of a number of problems and the understanding of the causes makes you better equipped to introduce some prevention strategies.

Atherosclerosis - hardening of the arteries

Hardening of the arteries canoccur as the result of a lack of minerals, especially magnesium - which then causes calcium to build the walls of the arteries. This will usually occur in the large arteries - especially the aorta and other major arteries of the heart.

Excess vitamin D (more than 400iu - international units) in the diet should be avoided as an adult, as this building is another source of calcium.
Symptoms include angina pectoris, headache, loss of memory, shortness of breath andLeg cramps in the early stages.

If you have high cholesterol levels, then the cholesterol deposited in the arteries and eventually you will be a blockade. This leads to a classic heart attack (myocardial infarction) when the blood supply is cut to the heart.

Diet and lifestyle adjustments

If you are arteriosclerosis, you should:

• Avoid fried foods, hydrogenated oils and margarine (the "bad fats" - see also section "cholesterol).

• Do you have a highFiber diet with little animal fat.

• Exercise as this to improve the "tone" of your arteries.

• It will reduce your stress level - this will help lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Recommended Heart Health Supplements for atherosclerosis:

• Plant-derived liquid minerals contain a wide range of more than 70 minerals in a healthy cardiovascular system involved.

• Heart health should contain additional herbs like ginkgo, hawthorn, garlic andCoenzymeQ-10 - these are known to support the artery to prevent the formation of deposits on the arterial wall and support the circulation.

• An essential fatty acid Omega-3 supplement with fish oil and flaxseed oil is the ideal supplement heart health. It works by the blood) less "sticky" and will help by raising HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels and lowering LDL ( "bad" cholesterol.

• High-quality multi-vitamins - should all theNutrients listed above, and other antioxidant vitamins A, C and E

Cardiomyopathy Heart Disease

Cardiomyopathy (including Keshan disease) is recognized by the World Health Organization as a disease selenium deficiency. It is in a number of cystic fibrosis patients and the diagnosis is made by an electrocardiogram and an X-ray or CT scan shows an enlarged heart.

As she develops the disease causes severe fatigue and damage to the heart muscle. A heart transplant is an alternativeconventional medicine.

Known as "white muscle disease" in cattle, sheep and horses - this disease has been eliminated from the veterinary industry with simple and effective supplement of selenium.

Compare that with a $ 250,000 U.S. heart transplant!

Former world champion boxer Evander Holyfield with cardiomyopathy heart disease and blocked by boxes for a year. His physician complement him on a program, including selenium, and he wascan return to the sport ... and the rest is history.

Recommended supplements for heart heath cardiomyopathy Heart Disease:

• plant derived colloidal minerals selenium.

• A good supplement selenium also rich in vitamins A, C & E - ask your health care professional with regard to therapeutic doses.

• Essential fatty acid supplements such as Omega-3 fish oil and linseed oil are important for blood flow.

• The latest research shows that heartWith Coenzyme Q-10 supplements may be beneficial in patients with cardiomyopathy heart disease.

Heart Attack - Cardiovascular Disease

Each year, will suffer more than a half million people in the U.S. alone of a heart attack - and one third of them die.

The heart takes oxygen-rich blood from the lungs through the coronary arteries and pumps it through the body.

When the circulation is the coronary artery either by a blood clot, or just aStructure of cholesterol, then the blood flow to the heart may be truncated if it does not, and within minutes, then the heart muscle can be damaged (when the blood supply is interrupted to the brain, then you have) a stroke.

In this case, prevention is crucial and the health of the heart is completed and does things that are good for your heart and cardiovascular system is very important.

Diet and Lifestyle Treatment

• Avoid fried foods and margarine use - butter andExtra virgin olive oil over low heat while cooking.

• Have a high fiber diet with little animal fat.

• Exercise regularly, as these are to improve the "tone" of the arteries - a 30-minute walk or a swim every day is enough.

• Reduce stress - research clearly shows that enzymes and hormones associated with stress, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure - not a good thing when you are at an increased risk of a heart attack.

• Work closely with yourHealth
Recommended Heart Health Supplements for Cardiovascular Disease
• Supplement with essential fatty acids with fish oil is an absolute must. They keep the blood by making it "less sticky" and because they are "good fats" to support them with the reduction of cholesterol.

• antioxidants, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C have a protective function for the heart.

• Heart Health Supplementswith Coenzyme Q-10, (which is naturally produced in the body) to enhance the capacity and strengthen the heart function and should also be considered.

• digestive enzymes with plant-derived minerals can be for many people with heart problems is an advantage - especially as we get over 40 - as it ensures that you will be able to provide sufficient nutrients will help you on the road to recovery.


Like an irregular heartbeat or very quicklyHeart rate are very common and kills more people annually than heart attacks. In an emergency situation may be, the heart pumps blood and stops the normal functioning of 're-shocking "the patient.

Food allergies such as sensitivity to MSG, and deficiencies of minerals and nutrients essential for the contraction and relaxation of the heart are associated with this disease

Diet and Lifestyle Treatment

• Check whether you have a food allergy to MSG, sugar, etc., andto avoid the offending foods. Dr. Wallach sometimes refers to this as "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome".

Recommended Health Supplements Heart arrhythmias

• plant derived minerals - nutritional supplement with a good source of highly absorbable minerals including potassium, chromium, selenium and magnesium is important for plant derived minerals are 100% safe, 98% absorbable containing more than 70 different minerals in liquid form.

• Looking for heart health supplement with CoenzymeQ-10 and B-vitamins.

In summary, the conditions of heart attack and heart disease, a number of different challenges in health care may include, there are some common factors involved in the support of dietary supplements:

1. A small amount, and regular exercise and a lot of stress reduction is very important

2. Avoid fried foods, margarine and "bad fats" - check out the site below for free health reports on a healthy diet, reducing cholesterol, heart health andmore.

3. Heart health supplements, essential fatty acids, colloidal minerals and herbal antioxidants - especially vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium - can offer promising results contains.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Key Vitamins For Seniors You Need To Know About Now

These vitamins for seniors article is intended for senior citizens with the information they need to offer training to vitamin selection. There are plenty of opportunities out there, many do not have the necessary information they need to complement good decisions. Seniors more than others need to supplement their diet because it is a real risk in real inadequate nutrition lead.

As the body grows older, it takes even more life-giving vitamins to ward off illnesses, prevent diseases, as welldaily maintenance and repair.

This is one of the reasons why we wrote this page is vitamins for seniors. Health care professionals are not announced many seniors lack of adequate nutrition by eating as healthy as they should, but many also lack a good digestion and assimilation.

Many also have too many prescription drugs that demand much of the body, often with terrible side effects. Many seniors live alone and on a diet compromises as well and the end result: dietDeficiencies. Therefore, vitamins for seniors is so important. The older you get, the more important nutrition.

Can vitamins really help senior citizens?

To answer to the question in the title, yes - vitamins can help older people, if they are taking assimilable vitamins and that is the key. Vitamins for the elderly are particularly critical because the older we get, the less efficient the body. The senior needs vitamins, not only for maintenance, but to strengthen itsBody regenerative efforts for the metabolism, but also for daily energy. Even the limited amounts of vitamins helps to tell investigators, disease and degenerative diseases.

Vitamin K, for example, has been shown to exist at low levels in Alzheimer's patients. Seniors need all the vitamins, but there are some vitamins that are important to you? Yes and no. Seniors need all the vitamins is that why is so crucial for good supplement their daily diet. Some certain vitamins andMinerals that are of crucial importance: vitamins E, D, C, calcium, zinc and vitamin B complex.

Vitamins E, D and C are known and powerful antioxidants, which prevent free radicals antioxidants damage to disease and aging. (Vitamin D is not as powerful as C and E, but it is potent nonetheless.)

What are the best vitamins for seniors

Consider further the premise "What are the best vitamins for Seniors," a step forward. Needlessto say, senior health issues are available as the younger of the criteria. Seniors need good health of the digestive system, good basic energy levels, good brain function and good vision sufficient enough to have a basic healthy life despite their diminished capacity based on age. Vitamins for seniors is important, but vitamins and minerals, but is important, can not do it alone.

There are some nutrients that we discuss Superstar 'd like to think about it help to educate you in your quest tobetter health. Of course, other factors have a role in good health as nutrition and exercise, nutritional adequacy, however, is of crucial importance - that the fundamental point of these vitamins for seniors is page.

Specialty Compounds for Seniors

When selecting an alternative dietary supplement, look for specific compounds that are very powerful antioxidant substances. This is important for seniors. Remember that not all antioxidants are equal. Yes, the vitamins C and E required and youThey should take every day, but there are carotenoids like beta-carotene, selenium, bioflavonoids such as Quercitin (sometimes written quercetin) and hesperidin.

These can be delivered through a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, but there are lesser-known antioxidants such as alpha-lipoic acid, ginkgo biloba, green tea, L-carnosine, N-acetyl cysteine and resveratrol. Let's talk about them now, at a time. First, the basics - Vitamin D, E and K, before we talk about the specificNutrients (these are indicated by the way), are important vitamins for seniors.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin", as produced by the body when the sun UV radiation affects the skin. It also has the distinction of being the only vitamin the body is actually produced. It is also a fat-soluble vitamin essential for good teeth and bone health. It also helps strengthen the immune system. The elderly people is usually not enough vitamin D in the elderly aged between 50 and 70 are 400 IU) (international units of it per day. If you are over 70, 600 IU per day.

Vitamin K

Senior citizens usually lack vitamin K. It is important for blood clotting and helps to maintain and even increase bone density. It plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis. We already mentioned that Alzhemier's disease and vitamin K studies show, have a common link --> Vitamin K levels are lower carrier of the ApoE4 gene, the gene is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Although not per se an antioxidant, cell death to prevent it. RDA for vitamin K is 120 micrograms per day for older men, 90 micrograms for older women.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a good senior health. It is a fat-soluble vitamins, the strong antioxidant properties and prevents the oxidation of fatty acids hasMembranes of all cells. It slows the aging. (Entertainer Bob Hope has vitamin E credit that it so a long life.) The RDA (Recommended international units (IU) for adults is 22 IU (or about 15 mg).

There are times in which megadoses are indeed given, when gastric mal-absorption has not occurred. These range from 100 IU to 200 The dose prescribed to protect against coronary heart disease ranges from 400 to 800 IU per day. If you have questions, youneed and if you are unsure, consult your doctor. Let us now discuss about the superstar nutrients.

Alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid benefits are not just antioxidant capacity, but it also helps the B vitamins produce more energy from protein, carbohydrates and fats. This is one of the unknown, very capable of vitamins for seniors but you should know. Studies show also prevent, alpha-lipoic acid supplements complications of diabetes, but it also helps toTreatment of many diverse health issues, such as, glaucoma, liver problems including cirrhosis - HIV infection. It helps slow aging - something of interest to everyone, including seniors.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola is another popular memory enhancer that his way is a lot of memory or the memory supplements pills. As with Gingko Biloba, the authors can personally attest to its effectiveness. Because of its ability to expand the memory and as a nerve tonic, among other functions,Gotu Kola has been called "food for the brain." Interestingly, Gotu Kola is a favorite food among elephants might explain the statement, "a memory like an elephant."

Gingko Biloba

Vitamins for Seniors A Web site would not be complete without the mention of the Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo Biloba comes from a tree that is literally one of the oldest trees on earth. This powerful antioxidant helps improve blood circulation, fight coronary heart disease, and helps improve and correctBrain-centered activity by improving the oxygen content in the brain. It also helps in the elimination of impotence and in reducing the effects of Alzheimer's disease. For a good effect, nehmen 30 to 60 mg twice daily.

Green tea extract

Green tea has powerful antioxidants called studies suggest that polyphenols are even stronger than vitamin C and E to destroy cancer-causing free radicals. This is one of the strongest vitamins for seniors or food in the world, in ourOpinion. Is among the many therapeutic benefits green tea has also shown that very promising results in terms of prevention have prostate cancer. A study by the renowned Mayo Clinic investigation carried out showed that "the major polyphenols in green tea, EGCG, the growth of prostate cancer cells and inhibits at high concentrations it destroys." The concerns are not just for men. In a study reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology July 1996, a study of 35,000 postmenopausal Iowa womenshowed that those who drank the "two or brass cups of tea daily, less likely to have cancers of the urinary or gastrointestinal tract to develop." Against 25 to 100 mg of green tea extract for the best effect.


Carnosine is an antioxidant antiaging active substance that is produced by the body by the enzyme carnosine synthetase. It supports cellular rejuvenation by working on both glycosylation and free radical damage. Glycosylation is the oxidation of proteins by glucose (bloodSugar) that results in making the network of proteins that are involved in the loss of cell function, genome integrity and aging, too. Look for a supplement of 50 to 150 mg of it for maximum impact unfolded.


N-acetylcysteine has the ability to actually demonstrated in clinical trials to improve the auto-immune system while preventing cell damage and thus to aging. It is also a strong protector of environmental pollutants such as secondhand cigaretteSmoke, herbicides, even some chemicals. It is a strong oxidizing agent, if in the 35 to 150 mg and recommended level.


Found in red wine and grape juice (among other sources), resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that studies have shown, eliminates damage by free radicals, together with many types of cancer. It is also robust anti-inflammatory properties. In relation to its anti-cancer ability to actually fight cancer on all three stages: initiation, promotion andProgression.

Resveratrol has also assume outstanding cholesterol-lowering ability. The antioxidant properties also possesses the ability to the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) reduce to. Finally, one has to complement the 25 to 40 mgs it for the best effect.

Reviews of the best vitamins for seniors

Vitamin supplementation for the elderly is a necessity not a luxury. The choice of a multivitamin, best multivitamin, is difficult. So many claim that theirProduct is still superior nutritional supplement fraud is pervasive. Literally 1 in 5 supplement manufacturers do not even have the declared ingredients on the label in the supplement! In addition, the risk of contamination is real.

Key tips for selecting the best vitamins for seniors

1. The supplements should be at pharmaceutical standard GMP registered facilities will be established. Facilities, GMP registered comply with the strictest standards in order to minimize the possibility ofProduct contaminants. (This is the same standards pharmaceutical companies in the United States are obliged to operate under a mandate by the FDA.)

Dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA and contains as many such fraud known as pollutants, supplemented with 1 rife in 5, not the ingredients declared on the label!

2. Ensure that the supplement manufacturer has a Certificate of Analysis (COA) on file for review by you, the customer thenConfirmation of the effectiveness of the herbal ingredients listed on the label.

3. Look for the vitamin tablets that have enteric coating. Enteric coating ensures the safety during the tablet in the stomach so that it is not destroyed by stomach acid. Enteric coating protects the ingredients until they go into the upper intestine, where they are then assimilated into the bloodstream.

4. Vitamins for seniors, that the herb-containing compounds, should contribute standardized herbal extracts.Standardized extracts contain the active ingredients, the potency of the herb.

It is expensive to do this, why do not most vitamin makers that. By choosing vitamins for seniors who meet these criteria to ensure you receive high-quality, pharmaceutical grade vitamins - the best vitamins for seniors.

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