Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Knowing When to Stop: How Much Vitamin D is Too Much

Vitamin D, like all other vitamins is important for cell formation and your general health. However, it was reported that people, especially those living in the West too much vitamins. In fact, the realistic depiction of what they are spending on dietary supplements alone amounts to 23 billion U.S. dollars annually. And believe health institutions, this figure is just too much, because these people are taking vitamins and other supplements, they actually no needEveryday life.

Then there are also studies that show that would be taking these daily supplements such as vitamin C, E and D is a real benefit for people who are actually in good health to have already. In fact, even to warn them that an overdose of these vitamins could be bad for your health. There are dangers that supplement with too much food, as these negative consequences for you have been involved in the long run.

But before you stop taking all your foodAdditions throughout, health institutions such as the National Institutes of Health, also explained that there are different evidence that shows the different effects of dietary supplements to humans. This is because there are too many studies on the effect of these additions, there are varying results from different experiments with these supplements, then the result is that there are both positive and negative effects in support of these studies.

The understanding of theEffects of the various vitamins is essential if you want to stay in good health. For example, vitamin C is a good anti-oxidant and it also helps build a strong immune system. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which should be taken for good health in moderation. It could even prevent problems with your heart, but there is also evidence against that if could increase the risk of heart problems if you already have the disease.

But the National Institutes ofHealth also recommends taking a few selected supplements such as vitamin D for women after the menopause age in maintaining the stability of their bones. Vitamin D help is good for physical health as one of its tasks to other nutrients such as calcium in the body by using to support the intake of this mineral from the intestine. But that is not without risk, like all other supplements, with vitamin D also has its own Risks.

Therefore, you must first understand the sources of vitamin D, a hand where you can get vitamin D in your body is through ingestion, and this can either be taken either in the form of food or food supplements. Another way to obtain vitamin D in the body, is caused by exposure to the sun. But you also have this, like the sun cause excessive caution on all types of skin problems.

Too much vitamin> D in the body leads to too much calcium, and if this condition is prolonged, can lead to all sorts of problems such as toxicity in the blood. In fact, you know you have too much vitamin D when the symptoms are associated with it and the symptoms of dizziness, vomiting, an incredible pain in the head, and even pain in the bones.

The solution is not taking too much vitamin D is in knowing what it is, if enough is taken.Health professionals are also concerned that the real problem is with the use of dietary supplements, that there is no concrete and irrefutable evidence that the majority of those who are truly among them an advantage that the of this.


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