Monday, December 7, 2009

The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

What is Flaxseed oil and what are the benefits of it? Well, it was a lot of research of this product, mainly to do with bodybuilding and fitness. It has turned out to an essential fatty acid (EFA) known as alpha-linolenic acid contained. This is very useful because it is known in Omega 3 fatty acid is activated (EFA) in the body, which in turn increases the levels of insulin in the body muscle cells. The linseed oil produced and increase in steroid production and thereforeserves as a valuable source of energy, building muscle and weight gain.

This is not anything to make things a little crank, did you know that there are also tons of other valuable nutrients in linseed oil? Well, it's safe when I say tonnes I mean it. Nutrients are included:

Folic acid - is a form of water-soluble vitamin B9, which is for new cell growth is essential, it is also given to pregnant women during pregnancy to prevent anemia.

Niacin - Isother water-soluble form of payment, and it is also known as vitamin B3. It's main roles are energy metabolism and DNA repair, but it also helps support the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal gland, made as the sex hormones and stress hormones.

Vitamin B1 - also known as thiamine, plays an important role in helping the body metabolize carbohydrates and fat to produce energy.

Vitamin B2 - (also known as riboflavin) Essentialfor the conversion of carbohydrates into energy; Essential for normal tissue respiration, is essential for healthy mucous membranes

Vitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells, the maintenance of the nervous system and growth and development in children. Deficiency can cause anemia. Vitamin B12 neuropathy, can with the degeneration of nerve fibers and irreversible neurological damage also occur.

Vitamin A - helps maintainthe health of skin and mucus linings (in the nose, for example) helps strengthen immunity from infections; vision helps in low light.

Vitamin D - acts like a hormone to regulate the formation of bone and the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine. It helps to control the movement of calcium between bone and blood, and vice versa.

Vitamin E - protects your cells against the effects of free radicals that are potentially damaging by-productsof energy metabolism.

If you want to experience the full benefits of flaxseed, it is very important that the seeds before you eat or you can simply pure flax seed oil instead of soil. The flaxseed is working so hard to digest in the body, and it will just go through the body without releasing one of the nutrients. I hope you can see the benefits of oil for building muscle and weight gain, and that you go ahead if you are not doing so already and use.

If youwant more information on how to build muscle weight gain and you can visit my weight-training site to learn more.

See Also : health book hosting health hotels episode lipstick

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